We have a search box, a text on top of it, and a question mark to provide useful info in case a user gets confused.
The information is shown when the user hover over this question mark
End Goal
Step by step
- create the acceptance test
# terminal
ember g acceptance-test show-searchinput-tooltip-on-hover
- writing the test logic:
- go to search page
- make sure the question-mark icon exist
andThen(function() { assert.equal(find('.full-name .info-icon').length, 1, 'name info icon exist'); });
- hover over the “question-mark” icon in front of the Name input box
andThen(function() { let ic = find('.full-name .info-icon'); ic.mouseenter(); });
- A message “Enter a partial or complete name” should show up
andThen(function() { let messageBox = find('.full-name .popover-content'); assert.equal(messageBox.text().trim().search(message), 0, 'helpful message is shown'); });
- Complete test
import { test } from 'qunit';
import moduleForAcceptance from
moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | show searchinput tooltip on hover');
test('Hovering over the question-mark icon', function(assert) {
let searchRouteName = 'search',
message = 'Enter a partial or complete name';
andThen(function() {
assert.equal(currentRouteName(), searchRouteName,
'search page reached');
assert.equal(find('.full-name .info-icon').length, 1,
'name info icon exist');
andThen(function() {
let ic = find('.full-name .info-icon');
andThen(function() {
let messageBox = find('.full-name .popover-content');
assert.equal(messageBox.length, 1, 'popover box is present');
assert.equal(messageBox.text().trim().search(message), 0,
'helpful message is shown');
andThen(function() {
let ic = find('.full-name .info-icon');
andThen(function() {
let messageBox = find('.full-name .popover-content');
assert.equal(messageBox.length, 0, 'popover box is removed');
Now you can do this!